

  • demo noise removal
  • demo no noise removal
  • demo two "outcrops" in one scene
  • Vesc 2019

  • Group 2 - Angele
  • Group 3 - Tonils
  • Group 6 - Angele
  • Group 9 - Charens
  • Group 12
  • Group 13 - Angele
  • Group 14 - La Charce (Tonil formation)
  • Group 15 - Crupies
  • TA - Tonils
  • Vesc 2018

  • La Charge -
  • Aditional thesis

    Every year the second years of the bachelor Applied Earth Science have a geological fieldwork in Southern France. To supervise the students after a day in the field the idea is to collect a 3D model database of the outcrops in the field. This is done by photogrammetry and the open-source program MicMac. In this report an acquisition protocol and an automatic method for processing the images is developed. Students only need to collect images of their outcrop (following the given acquisition method) and upload them to the server. Some test cases are tested in this report and these results are given. The written workflow works on most test cases, except test cases made with a drone. The problems which arose were the right scale of the 3D models and sparse data at the boundaries of the outcrops. Although the workflow works in most cases, there are several adjustments to do in the future, like to make it more robust, find a method to create the right scales and to display all 3D models in one map.

  • Aditional thesis
  • Bibi van der Horst (2018)